August 15, 2007

Tin Ears at the Mint

The Sacagawea and Susan B. Anthony dollar coins were not accepted by the public. Presumably in the hope that the third time is the charm, the Mint is trying again with a series of dollar coins commemorating the Presidents. According to the Mint site, the dollar coins are 'historic change'. No comment.

Mint Director Edmund Moy speaks (with an eye on postretirement career options?):
"Vending machine companies are spending up to $1 billion a year in maintenance costs due to paper jams," he said. "More use of dollar coins will mean less in maintenance costs."
Compassionate conservatism in action: when vending machine companies are hurting, the government has got to move.

There is also a First Spouse Coin Program under which gold coins are struck with Presidents on one side and their First Ladies on the other. 'First Spouse' jars my ear: if 'First Lady' offends enlightened sensibilities, how about 'Presidential Spouse'? IMO the upscale PC crew that would insist on 'First Spouse' will not collect these coins, and the term repels traditionalists who might do so.

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