May 1, 2009

Mercy...No...Oh Please, Mercy...

Apparently this is not a joke:
Jeb Bush to help party rebuild
Former Gov. Jeb Bush and other Republican leaders are holding the first of a series of town hall meetings aimed at remaking the party's image.
Not everyone agrees:
''Jeb may be a better spokesman for the Republican Party than Rush Limbaugh, but that's a very low bar,'' quipped Democratic state Sen. Dan Gelber of Miami Beach...

The new group also includes Republican presidential nominee John McCain, prompting the national Democratic Party to circulate a blogger's snarky observation that 'things are really humming along when your `rebranding' effort is led by your recently crushed presidential nominee and your discredited party leader's brother.''

Sayfie called that a ''cheap shot.'' He added, ``People judge the governor on his record and the president on his record.''
It might be a cheap shot, but it's a direct hit too.

Oh, and the story says that Mitt Romney is in on it too.

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