July 16, 2008

Is this Misconduct Criminal or Merely Squalid?

When all those U.S. Attorneys were fired a while ago, somehow this one was overlooked:
Axion is the latest in a string of aggressive prosecutions brought by Birmingham U.S. Attorney Alice Martin. Those prosecutions are marked by convictions overturned and innocent men wronged. Two judges have openly questioned whether she knowingly prosecuted innocent people...

...She has strong ties to the Republican establishment -- her mentor is William Canary, a powerful Republican campaign consultant in Alabama who has close ties to former White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove.
Whatever could be the reason?

Keep in mind that Ms. Martin--Attorney Martin, excuuuse me--was put in a tough spot. The really cushy assignments in the Bush administration go to people who are put in place not to do something the government is supposed to be doing. I'm thinking, for example, of Julie Myers heading Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and of the attempt to put Harriet Miers on the Supreme Court.

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