July 15, 2008

55 mph?!

Joseph White, the Wall Street Journal's automotive editor, just helped to float the trial balloon.

Like other commenters on the piece, I have significantly cut back my driving and my speed because of gas prices.

In what is theoretically a free country, I am capable of making choices about my welfare and the public good without the matters being decided for me and enforced by the cops.

There are ever more voices calling for ever increasing intrusion of the government into ever more aspects of my life. I don't need one more from the Wall Street Journal.

If Mr. White had combined his trial balloon a reduced speed limit with a call for all-out development of traditional and nontraditional energy sources, my reaction to his piece would have been mollified. He didn't and it isn't. I have cancelled my renewals for the Journal and Barron's.
Politicians may be giving the EPA a wink and nod to do their dirty work for them. Plausible deniability of an idiotic unpopular measure, more control, more patronage, no accountability. What's not to like?

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