June 28, 2008

That Didn't Take Long




Jindal for President

Give Bobby credit for honesty. His views probably aren't very different from those of Bush and many of the people behind him.

Give him credit for honesty, but keep him far away from national office.

Jindal was a Rhodes Scholar. That in other respects he is, well, blatantly nuts should be a cautionary note about deferring to the judgment of nominally smart people. Especially when they band together into elites. I'm talking about you, 'reality-based community'.

And, of course, it should be a cautionary note about one's own judgment, especially when the opinion is deeply felt.

Afterthought. Speaking of loopy Rhodes Scholars with an eye on national office, there's also Wesley Clark.

In fairness, the loopy Rhodes Scholar who made it to the Oval Office had a relatively successful presidency--possibly despite himself.

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