February 1, 2010

Is Obama Finished? GOP Blowout in November?

Maybe not.

Intrade has the odds of Obamacare by summer at 40%.

ITG's Chief Economist Robert Barbera has been saying that jobs are on the way.

Obama's meeting with the House Republican caucus is a Clintonian move to the center--or so it appears to the voters, even if it turns out to be cosmetic[1].

The Republicans should make gains like the minority party historically does during an off-year election. However, much of the right blogosphere is behaving as though a blowout is in the bag. A nasty surprise could be in store. Just ask Congressman Doug Hoffman.
[1] Addendum 20100208. And cosmetic it may be.

If, indeed, Obama chooses Carteresque intransigence to Clintonian adaptation, who is the Reagan who will unseat him?


Give. Me. A. Break.

Addendum 20100215. The Tea Party is running an independent candidate against Harry Reid. Instapundit, sensibly, is not pleased:
Two words: “Ross Perot.” Two more: “Ralph Nader.”
As above, two more: "Doug Hoffman".

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